Hasselback potatoes
These Hasselback potatoes are thinly sliced potatoes that are roasted to golden brown perfection, then topped with bacon, sour cream and...
These Hasselback potatoes are thinly sliced potatoes that are roasted to golden brown perfection, then topped with bacon, sour cream and...
A Lemon Butter Sauce with Crispy Pan Fried Fish is so quick to make at home! Browning the butter gives the sauce a rich, nutty aroma...
This red cabbage purple rice is the easiest side dish to prepare and to make. If you want to make something different and something which...
A fun easy and adaptable recipe for tender steak rolls filled with zesty vegetables and drizzled with a delicious balsamic glaze steak...
Oysters have been gaining popularity in restaurants all over the world and serving them in your home isn't as difficult as you might...
Prawn cocktail is a retro classic that always stands the test of time. The creamy Marie Rose sauce is made from store cupboard...
I always keep a steady supply of canned corned beef as it is my go-to when I am pressed for time but desire more than a sandwich for...
Beggars’ purses is the name for an appetizer dish consisting of a mini crepe stuffed with a spicy mix. The edges of the crepe are pulled...
This is a delicious South African Street food made with with aromatic spices, meat, chickpeas and potatoes served in hollow bread. A...
This easy meatloaf recipe is loaded with flavor and is pretty simple to make! Minced mutton is seasoned, mixed with breadcrumbs and baked...
Goan Banana Fritters (Filos) - This delicious fritter I’ve enjoyed eating ever since I was a child. I remember waking up in the morning...
These humble Indian potato patties are made with mashed potatoes, herbs and simple spices. But it is totally up to you, to weave in more...
Cucumber Tuna Rolls - These little beauts are delicious tuna, the ‘roll’ part is cucumber!  All you have to do is thinly slice cucumber,...
Stuffed Cheese Potato Peppers are a super delicious Indian tea time snack made from non spicy peppers dipped in a gram flour batter and...
Baked salami breakfast cups are my favorite new low-carb breakfast! And don’t you think they look gorgeous? I love foods that look as...
With juicy pineapple chunks and chicken covered in a mouthwatering pineapple sauce served over warm rice, Aloha Pineapple Chicken is a...
The Chicken - potato birds nest is a savory snack made to feast your eyes and satiate your taste buds. This recipe has taught me how one...
Baked Chicken is one of my favorite meals! With a quick marinade and an even quicker bake time, you can have a meal on the table in no...
Pickled Deviled Eggs! Easter egg hunts, summer picnic potlucks and a great quarantine snack ;)Â They are easy to make and are always a...